We are meeting again in Oxford, where we will host over 300 bright scientific minds. Take a look at what awaits you, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and don't forget to sign up for our newsletter (below) to make sure you don't miss any updates.


When & where?

16 - 17 November 2018
Said Business School
University of Oxford
Park End St
Oxford OX1 1HP, UK


We have few ticket types. All of them include:

  • Two days of talks and poster sessions, debates and countless opportunities to network

  • SPP giftbag with some cool geek SPP gadgets

  • A workshop of your choice

  • Lunches at the Said Business School and coffee breaks with unlimited caffeine and sugar supplies to keep you running

  • Saturday SPP party

    If you're unsure of what type of ticket applies to you, email us at sppoxford@poloniumfoundation.org

Regular tickets


Academia with Saturday Dinner

£70 [SOLD OUT]

For participants with an academic affiliation or an R&D position outside academia, and for those who finished their studies/PhD in 2017 or 2018
includes Saturday Dinner at Baliol College




For participants with an academic affiliation or an R&D position outside academia, and for those who finished their studies/PhD in 2017 or 2018




For participants without an academic affliation [if you graduated 2017 or 2018 or hold an R&D position outside academia, see Academia]
price includes Saturday Dinner in Baliol College

Keynote speakers



Anna Dominiczak

University of Glasgow

Precision Medicine

Prof. Artur Ekert

University of Oxford

Less reality, more security

Invited speakers

Dr. Wojciech Galej

EMBL Grenoble

Split genes and fast electrons


Dr. Piotr Didyk

University of Lugano

Perception-driven Display and Fabrication

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Dr. Magalena Kowalska


Talk title: TBC

Image: Sophia Bennett/ CERN

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Dr. Agnieszka Wykowska

Italian Institute of Technology / Luleå University of Technology

Social cognition in human-robot interaction


Talks & poster sessions

Find out about other people’s research: their ideas, problems they face and solutions they propose. 10 talks, 24 poster presentations. Would you like to be a part of it? Tell the audience what your project is all about in just 10 minutes or present your project on a poster and be ready to receive immediate hints on how to realise it. Talk popular science.

[Call for abstracts closed]


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Visual communication in science: The 2-hour Crash Course
Dr. Jernej Zupanc, Founder of Seyens Ltd. www.seyens.com

You will be introduced to a way of thinking, that will allow you to apply effective visual communication approaches to your own scientific publications and presentations. The goal is not to fancify, but to make your research ideas and results more easily understood.
Seminar: my ‘Best of’ tips on how visual perception works, how to visually organize complex information, create an intuitive eye-flow, and use color.
Exercise & group work: you will draw a graphical abstract of your own research and get feedback from your peers.

Jernej’s goal is to help researchers and entrepreneurs communicate more effectively. His visual communication workshops are regularly offered at best universities and research institutes, already in 18 countries (Europe, USA and Asia). Besides workshops, he consults on Horizon 2020 grants and is a member of the Slovenian Council for Science and Technology.
Before Seyens, he worked as Head of computer vision at a startup and as an evaluator of Horizon 2020 EU projects. He holds a PhD and was a PostDoc in computer science at University of Ljubljana and a Fulbright Scholar at Northeastern University, Boston.

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Storytelling in Science
Adam Gristwood

The human brain loves storytelling. Weaving narrative into the way you talk about your work can help people to form an emotional connection and potentially stimulate interest in your what you do. Exploring a range of storytelling techniques, and challenging you with some DIY activities, this workshop encourages you to visualise and communicate science in ways that could boost the way you forge collaborations, write grant applications, wow your colleagues, or connect with publics.  

Adam is a science writer and editor at EMBO. His writing focuses on science and society issues relating to the life sciences. In previous roles he has worked as a senior science policy editor and  as editorial manager for the European Molecular Biology Laboratory.


Commercialization opportunities for R&D projects in Poland. From university, through acceleration, to VC investment. 
Black Pearls VC

The workshop will provide participants with practical knowledge covering the most important issues of building a global business based on development and commercialization of technology. It will be led by Aleksander Dobrzyniecki, Investment Manager at Black Pearls VC and Wojciech Drewczynski, CEO at Space3ac accelerator. In addition to general issues of R&D project business development, the workshop will provide participants with information on current possibilities of opening startup operations in Poland and opportunities for international teams deriving from government programs and VC activity.

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Grants you are invited to! Workshop on the NAWA grants application process

Access to funding is essential for scholars to excel in their research careers. NAWA is happy to offer grants for academics at all stages of their careers that help to create an environment where researchers can achieve their best work. When applying for a grant, candidates dedicate a significant investment of time and engagement to this process. Yet not all of the proposals are compelling. So, what are the key elements that make for a successful grant application? How are we to understand the proposed project correctly and the nuances of each section to be submitted? Finally, how can you make your application stand out from the crowd?
This workshop aims to increase the chances of your proposal being successful. Participants will develop and refine  the narrative tools of a sample grant application and will also have a chance to develop a deeper understanding of what  project research quality  NAWA is looking for in its programmes. The interactive nature of the session will give you an opportunity to ask any additional questions you may have or share your thoughts and needs in order to create better funding programmes. 


How about a standup comedy night or an overly geeky pub quiz night on Friday, and the legendary SPP party on Saturday? Also, this year at the Balliol College we will be hosting the biggest SPP dinner so far.  Have fun and make new friends - sometimes the best (scientific) ideas come up over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine! 

Strategic partner

Main partners

Honorary partners

Community partners

Projekt jest współfinansowany w ramach programu Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego pod nazwą „DIALOG” w projekcie “Gateway to the Polish Research Diaspora: portal oraz wydarzenia integrujące polską światową społeczność badawczą”.

Projekt finansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020, III Oś priorytetowa „Szkolnictwo wyższe dla gospodarki i rozwoju” Działanie 3.3. pt. „Umiędzynarodowienie polskiego szkolnictwa wyższego”

If you have any questions regarding the event or registration process, email us at sppoxford@poloniumfoundation.org

See you in Oxford!

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